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Support is Vital

"The support I received over the past 6 weeks helped get me through what has been the toughest time of my life. Having someone who really who really understood the condition give advice helped us through and crucially, at times, gave me really useful information I didn't get from my own medical practitioners. In my experience, HG is such a debilitating and lonely struggle, the more support you get the better chance you have of surviving it" - Lisa, from London.

HG Facts

Hyperemesis Gravidarum rarely ends at 12 weeks of pregnancy. It typically improves in the middle of pregnancy, but symptoms often last until birth. 

Resources for Volunteers

We have produced a number of resources to help you in efforts to support women and raise awareness. If there are other items you would like to see please get in touch and let us know. In addition to the resources below there are a number of other pages for you to explore such as fundraising and other web links.

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